Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jaguar bolivien et vaches suisses

Mazette! Ca fait longtemps sans nouvelles, hein? Mais c'est qu'apres le Salar (sud de la Bolivie), nous sommes alles directement au Nord, dans la foret amazonienne.

Neuf jours les pieds dans la boue, suants et puants, mais heu-reux! Avons-nous rencontre le jaguar, roi de la "Selva" (foret)? Vous en saurez plus un de ces jours, que ce soit depuis le Perou (on y retourne demain) ou de vive voix sur le plancher des vaches... suisses! He oui, mardi prochain, on sera de retour... Preparez salade verte et chocolat, on est en manque!!! ;o)

1 comment:

Chris & Julie said...

Ola Christina!

It has been awhile since the Salar de Uyuni tour and I hope that you and Matthew enjoyed the rest of your trip to the Jungle and have settled back home ok.

Chris and I are in Ecuador at the moment and are loving the heat and lack of altitude! We have had a disaster though and Chris has lost his camera and all his photos. I was hoping that you and Matthew would be kind enough to send us some photos from the Salar de Uyuni. As I was so ill my camera doesnt have many photos on it so most of our memories are lost. If you could send some of your favourites to me, and especially any you have of us that would be most appreciated.

I do not have your email address, but mine is

THANK YOU and hope you and Matthew are ok living in the small apartment.

Julie and Chris (NZ)